Xanthous El Eden
" Eden "
D.o.B. 10th November 2014


Floprym Mr MockerNut Blackjon de Ria Vela Ritzilyn Rick O'Shay
Sailor Moon de Ria Vela
Floprym C Coco Nut Festival's McFie
Floprym R Pea Nut
Xanthous Montrose Magpies Herwildy's Bumble Bee Xanthous Sire Sinclaere
Xanthous Oilily
Xanthous Sofia Cheek to Cheek Blue Sequins 
Xanthous Pinball




Inge de Wit


IJsselcentraleweg 35

8014 BK Zwolle

The Netherlands


Tel. 0031 (0)38 465 18 88

Mob. 0031 (0)6 573 113 68
